Three Members Receive Rotary International Recognition

Three Chestnut Hill Rotarians received recognition from Rotary International for contributing to the Rotary Foundation. Christina Spolsky became a Paul Harris Fellow and Maggie Stoeffel and David Stoeffel each became a Paul Harris x 2. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.

Chestnut Hill Rotary volunteers contribute 100 hours in week-long service event

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dav of Service, Chestnut Hill Rotary volunteers contributed 100 hours service throughout the week. Service activities included purchasing and donating food to Face to Face Germantown, preparing, assembling, and delivering 100 bags of food, warm clothing to Prevention Point Philadelphia in Kensington, and painting the conference room and hallway of The Business Center in Northwest Philadelphia.

Update from Bududa Learning Center, Uganda

By Barbara Wybar

I have been here for ten, really action-packed days, but there is still time to relish living in this beautiful spot, with the perfumes of its tropical flowers, its cheerful friendly people and the delicious avocados and exotic fruits. Last night, my visitors and I even went outdoors to gaze in wonder at the inky black night sky and the brilliant stars.

I think the best way to describe my life here is to review one particular day.