Chestnut Hill Rotary’s
Strategic Plan 2024-28
Just as a map guides people from one location to their destination, a strategic plan that is rooted in action guides an organization through achieving its goals and, ultimately, fulfilling its strategic vision.
Strategic plans are important for Rotary clubs, too. Rotary’ s survey results have shown us that clubs that develop and follow a strategic plan are stronger than clubs that don’t because they have more satisfied members who view their clubs and Rotary more positively overall.
In 2024, the Board of Directors agreed to conduct a strategic planning process with the aim to assess our organization’s current condition and develop a viable plan for the future in order to position the club to best meet our mission and goals over the next several years.
One of the inherent structural challenges is that Rotary Presidents change every year, making it difficult for the club’s leadership to have sufficient time to both develop and achieve meaningful, longer-term goals.
To the good, Rotary International created a Strategic Planning Guide using Rotary’s Action Plan to improve the club experience and a meaningful, lasting change in our community. The four priorities are: Increase Our Impact; Expand Our Reach; Enhance Participant Engagement; and Increase Our Ability to Adapt. The Guide was used to provide a framework for developing the plan for Chestnut Hill Rotary.
Important considerations for developing the Strategic Plan 2024-28 were:
·Take a member-driven, bottoms-up approach.
Use member data such the “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Survey” and the “Characteristics We Want the Club to be Known For.”
While the four strategies developed should remain intact. the goals and other details are and should remain flexible. Some tactics will work. Others may not over time.

More than 40 members contributed over 170 volunteer hours to the process which is quite remarkable. Participating members were sincere, honest, direct, and provided constructive feedback during the three formal planning sessions.
Since our clubs’ founding nearly 30 years ago, the Rotary Club of Chestnut Hill has experienced tremendous change, particularly in the past decade. These changes present both challenges and opportunities for the club both now and in the near future. We have a long history to be very proud of. But, we know that we can also do better.
We are extremely grateful to our members, Board of Directors, and the Strategic Planning writing group for their hard work and participation in this project.
Our vision
The vision of the Rotary Club of Chestnut Hill is an active and fun membership organization, dedicated to personal and professional growth by driving positive change for everyone in Northwest Philadelphia and beyond.
strategic priorities
Priority 1
Increase our impact
Forge deeper connections between our members and our grantees and community stakeholders in order to share our respective visions and address the needs of those we serve.
Priority 2
Expand our reach
Expand the club’s outreach by actively bringing our club to the community.
Priority 3
Enhance our engagement
Provide a variety of engagement opportunities to retain existing members and attract new members. Engagement tactics should be driven by data collected from members.
Priority 4
Increase our ability to adapt
Explore and implement new ways to increase member engagement, enhance personal and professional growth of our members, and better meet the needs of our community.