Request a grant

The Rotary Club of Chestnut Hill Foundation awards small grants to worthy causes and organizations in need that fit within the scope of Rotary’s seven areas of focus: supporting education; improving communities; promoting clean water, fighting disease, protecting the environment; promoting peace; and saving mothers and children.

We place preference on organizations that have relationships with our club and its members. Grant requests are accepted by invitation only.

Grant Application

We will contact all applicants upon completion of the the application review. Grants for 2025-26 will not be awarded until at least September 2025.

The Rotary Club of Chestnut Hill is recognized as a nonprofit organization under Chapter 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts and bequests to the Rotary Club of Chestnut Hill Foundation are tax-deductible for income, gift and estate tax purposes to the extent provided by law.