Become a Chestnut Hill Rotary Annual Sponsor
Your support allows Chestnut Hill Rotary to provide books for students in schools, deliver polio vaccines that protect children for a lifetime, or provide relief and aid for people experiencing food insecurity or homelessness, to name a few.
benefactor $3,000
Ten tickets for Lobster Fest and Trivia Night fundraising events ($1,100 value)
Full page advertisement in the Chestnut Hill Rotary brochure
Top listing on social media; Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn promoting Lobster Fest and Trivia Night.
Your company logo placed in the weekly Chestnut Hill Rotary Newsletter to 300 members and supporters for one year (52 issues).
A story in the Chestnut Hill Rotary Newsletter featuring your business in one issue.
Your company logo on the Chestnut Hill Rotary website as Benefactor sponsor for one year (5,500 visits per yr.).
Recognition from the event emcee as a Benefactor sponsor at Lobster Fest and Trivia Night or an opportunity to speak directly to the guests.
Opportunity to display company banner at Lobster Fest and Trivia Night events.
donor $1,500
Four tickets for Lobster Fest and Trivia Night fundraising events. ($440 value)
1/2 page advertisement in the Chestnut Hill Rotary brochure.
Your company name listed on the Chestnut Hill Rotary website as a Donor sponsor for one year (5,500 visits per yr.).
Sponsor recognition at Lobster Fest and Trivia Night event signage.
Link to sponsors list with logo in weekly Chestnut Hill Rotary Newsletter to 300 members and supporters for one year.
sponsor $250
Company name listed in the Chestnut Hill Rotary brochure.
Listing on website as a Sponsor for one year.
Link to sponsors list in weekly Chestnut Hill Rotary Newsletter to 300 members and supporters for one year.
how do i become a sponsor?
Complete the sponsorship form below.
Make your payment via credit card or PayPal by clicking on the online payment button OR by check to the address below.
Email your high quality file company logo and desired advertisement and send to: (if applicable).
Ad specifications for Chestnut Hill Rotary brochure:
Full page color ad for Benefactor level: (8 1/2 inches high x 5 1/2 inches wide)1/2-page color ad for Donor level: ( 4 1/4 inches high x 5 1/2 inches wide)
Next brochure printing, spring 2025.
OR Mail sponsorship checks to:
Chestnut Hill Rotary Foundation
Attention: Tim Sager, Treasurer
200 Montgomery Avenue
Erdenheim, PA 19038
Sponsorship questions can be directed to Tim Sager at 215-593-4166 or
Get your company’s name in front of hundreds of well-connected, influential supporters who care about our community.

For more than 25 years, Chestnut Hill Rotary has been focusing on helping others, improving communities, and providing financial resources to those less fortunate, while enjoying fellowship.
The Foundation of the Rotary Club of Chestnut Hill is recognized as a nonprofit organization under Chapter 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts and bequests to The Foundation of the Rotary Club of Chestnut Hill are tax-deductible for income, gift and estate tax purposes to the extent provided by law.