Meals on Wheels Partnership

Our club recently partnered with Chestnut Hill Meals on Wheels to provide recyclable food bags for their clients in need. Chestnut Hill Rotary's logo will appear on the bags reminding the community of the great work and contribution we make to the community. 

Funding was provided by the Foundation of the Rotary Club of Chestnut Hill and generous club members. A big thanks goes out to: Community Service Committee members, Frank Hollick and David Gary Smith; Chair, Maggie Stoeffel; and all the members who contributed funds to the project. Bags have been delivered and will be in use very soon. 

Chestnut Hill Meals on Wheels is a community-based, non-profit organization devoted to meeting the daily nutritional needs of people challenged by illness, disability or age. Staff and volunteers home deliver two fresh meals each day, five days a week to their clients in need.

Frank Hollick and David Smith recently presented a check for $800 to Meals on Wheels Treasurer, Doug MacBride (above). Frank and David deliver food to people in need on Friday (below). 

Chestnut Hill Rotary members donate bags to Chestnut Hill Meals on Wheels

Posted on LinkedIn November 30, 2022