Why should you join us at Lobster Fest on September 23?
Because lobster tastes great? Because it's an enjoyable event? Or perhaps you'll get to meet interesting, fun, and welcoming people?
Well, yes, yes, and yes.
But there's also another good reason.
You'll feel good supporting the work of Chestnut Hill Rotary. Joining Lobster Fest will help provide books for students in schools, deliver polio vaccines that protect children for a lifetime, or provide relief and aid for people experiencing food insecurity or homelessness, and much more.
You'll also be helping Rotary provide hands-on service support and financial grants to local organizations to do vital work in our community.
We impact our community. We don't just talk. We actually do something to help. We're People of Action.
Jenks Academy of the Arts and Sciences Principal, Corinne Scioli and Rotary member, addressing students in the new library. Rotary volunteers distributed new books for students to take home.
For example, Chestnut Hill Rotary works with Jenks Academy for the Arts and Sciences (grades K-8) of the Philadelphia school district, where members individually volunteer time to read to students and take on larger-scale projects like refurbishing and painting classrooms in cooperation with other community organizations. Funding provided by Chestnut Hill Rotary recently helped reopen the school’s library, one of only a few dozen in The School District of Philadelphia.
Participants from the Youth STEM and Aviation Program at Wings Field in Blue Bell Pennsylvania.
Phil Tankel (r), Chestnut Hill Rotary Community Service Co-chair, presents a $2,000 check to Prather Egan of the Chestnut Hill branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia.
Chestnut Hill Rotary also helped fund a new innovative STEM Aviation Program combining entrepreneurial skills, science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) learning, and Aviation training. The program is in collaboration with Angel Flight East and The Business Center, which provides special educational programs for women, minority, and youth-owned businesses in the Northwest section of Philadelphia.
Rotary volunteers preparing food bags for Face to Face Germantown and Prevention Point Philadelphia during MLK service week.
Rotary volunteers painting the hallways at Face to Face Germantown.
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dav of Service, Chestnut Hill Rotary volunteers contributed 100 hours service throughout the week! Service activities included purchasing and donating food to Face to Face Germantown, preparing, assembling, and delivering 100 bags of food, warm clothing to Prevention Point Philadelphia in Kensington, and painting the conference room and hallway of The Business Center in Northwest Philadelphia.
Rotary volunteers maintain the pergola, the main gateway to Chestnut Hill and Mt. Airy neighborhoods at Germantown Avenue and Cresheim Valley Drive
Chestnut Hill Rotary raises about $20,000 a year and issues grants to local charitable organizations in our community, such as Face to Face Germantown, Chestnut Hill Meals on Wheels, Jenks Academy for the Arts and Sciences, Eleanor C. Emlen Elementary, Chestnut Hill Garden District, and many more. Visit our causes at ChestnutHillRotary.org to see more of the impact.
So, join us and enjoy the lobster (or steak). Have fun! Meet great people! But know that you are helping us take action to help our community. Visit the Lobster Fest page to join us on September 23 or consider sponsoring the event.
Better yet. Become a member. Join with People of Action. You'll have fun too!
Here's a more complete list of local and international organizations that we recently supported.
Supporting Education: Chestnut Hill Library; Eleanor C. Emlen Elementary School; Henry H. Houston Elementary School; Jenks Academy of the Arts & Sciences; Parkway Northwest High School for Peace and Social Justice.
Improving Communities: Bududa Learning Center, Uganda; Chestnut Hill Meals on Wheels; Face to Face Germantown; Hope Children's Home, Guyana; Pathways PA; Power Up Gambia; The Business Center for Entrepreneurship and Social Justice.
Disaster Response & Fighting Disease: Prevention Point Philadelphia; Rotary Gundaker Ukrainian Relief Fund; Rotary International Polio Prevention; ShelterBox International.