Rotary Supports Germantown Faith Communities Against Gun Violence


Chestnut Hill Rotary provided funding to the Germantown Faith Communities Against Gun Violence last summer for youths to attend the La Salle University’s Summer STEM Enrichment Camp with a strong conflict resolution component led by Reverend Linda, J. Ivey, MSW. The camp consisted of 36 students from diverse backgrounds from Philadelphia Public schools, grades 5 to 8.

This video ‘thank you’ highlights the program and the impact on the attendees.

Founded in 1995, Chestnut Hill Rotary is known for its hands-on community service projects in the Mt. Airy, Germantown, and Chestnut Hill areas such as painting the halls at Face to Face Germantown, preparing food and gathering clothing for clients of Prevention Point Philadelphia, purchasing and distributing dictionaries to nearby schools in need, or maintaining the pergola, one of the Chestnut Hill Garden District’s many urban parks.

Perhaps less known are the grants and club funding drives that Chestnut Hill Rotary provides to support more than a dozen local and international organizations. The club accomplishes this with fundraising efforts through its charitable foundation, operated by its members. Successful events are held each year such as the Lobster Fest, Bingo Night, or sometimes members just “pass the hat” when an individual need arises.

What separates Chestnut Hill Rotary from other not for profit organizations? Its members.

The club utilizes its members’ extensive knowledge of the local and international communities to identify areas of need, and together work to improve that community. Using the same knowledge and connections, along with a passion for doing good, the foundation provides financial support to selected nonprofit organizations through its grant program. Where possible, funding is matched with a grant from Rotary International or its local District funds which stretches the dollars even further.