Chestnut Hill Rotary Supports Women Recovering From Addiction


Chestnut Hill Rotary members Carol Bates, Dietrick Bilger, Maggie Stoeffel and Ellen Williams presented a $1,000 check to Danny's House and took a tour of the facility located in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia. Danny's House helps women reclaim their lives from addiction by providing subsidized and supportive recovery housing for up to 2 years after completion of long-term addiction treatment.

Pictured: Back, l to r, Tiffany David, Rachel Dougherty, Danny’s House Case Managers; Dietrick Bilger, Ellen Williams, Chestnut Hill Rotary; Front, l to r, Mariellen Paulus, Founder; Carol Bates and Maggie Stoeffel, Chestnut Hill Rotary.

Danny’s House was founded by Mariellen Paulus in memory of her son, Daniel Brian Paulus who suffered from years of addiction and mental health issues and died from a drug overdose in 2016.

Daniel Brian Paulus

The grant will help cover the cost of purchasing items to build two, raised cedar beds for a vegetable garden, landscaping fabric, mulch, garden soil, mesh rolled fencing, gardening gloves, hand tools and landscaping edging. Danny’s House staff and residents will construct the garden, and the Executive Director will provide in-kind time for educating the residents of Danny’s House on the benefits of growing your own food as well as how to maintain the vegetable garden beds.

“In addition to physical and mental health benefits, we believe that the vegetable gardening program will elevate each resident’s knowledge about the environmental benefits of growing their own food such as a reduction in carbon emissions and greenhouse gases,” said Paulus.

The funding was made possible through Chestnut Hill Rotary’s fundraising efforts and a matching grant from the Rotary District in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Plans are also underway for Chestnut Hill Rotary to help with the construction and maintenance of the vegetable garden.